Tour de Senegal

Dear All, 

Greetings from Senegal! In the past few months a lot of exciting events have happened. 

My friend from home, Juliet, visited in mid-August which was a wonderful time. We got to travel all over the country in a short time and see Dakar, my village, Toubacouta which is a beautiful coastal town with mangrove trees, and finally the beach in Saly. I was so grateful for my village family and friends who welcomed Juliet so kindly, especially my host Mom and friend, Ablaye. Ablaye even killed a goat in Juliet’s honor and we feasted!  I was also so happy that Juliet got to meet lots of my Peace Corps friends who came out to hang out with us throughout our travels. Here are some pictures from our time together!

Recently, I’ve been engaged with Youth Camp in Kolda, the capital city of my region and have been absolutely loving it! It’s been a great chance to bond with the other Peace Corps counselors as well as the Senegalese youth and camp staff. I’ve enjoyed joking around with the Senegalese counselors and getting to know them better. 

In my village, it is full-on rainy season! I was recently very pleased to walk through one of my best friend and work partner’s cashew orchard that we seeded about a month ago. He is very hard working, responsive and motivated and has done a great job of working with me and protecting his trees! 

I got to celebrate my birthday in the beautiful city of Toubacouta and also re-forest mangroves in that same area! It was amazing. 

I was then fortunate enough to visit some beautiful waterfalls in Kedougou with a fantastic group of friends.

My mom came back to Senegal with an Association from her work to volunteer at a school in Nianing, along the coast, and it was great to have such a wonderful repeat visitor!

I will be home in early December and will start a Business Development role in NYC in January!

I’m looking forward to reconnecting with all of you again very soon :) 

Lots of hugs,



  1. Hi Sophie,
    Thank you so very much for your service these past two years, and for sharing all your unique wonderful experiences with us all! You have shown us the beauty of an area of the world we may have otherwise never known.

    Wishes for a safe last few months.


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