The FINAL Post (;
Hey Everyone! That’s a wrap! On December 4th, I flew into JFK after over two years in Senegal, West Africa (I got there in September 2017!) It was an awesome experience and the last few months were a great time to say my goodbyes, finish my projects, and tie up loose ends. While I am now back in Chatham, until I start my job in Manhattan in January, I am now able to reflect a little on the entire experience. I was so lucky to have a wonderful host family and be able to meet great work partners and friends. As I told everyone in my village, I will be back to visit in 5 or 10 years, and one of my best friends, Binta, I plan to bring to my wedding!! I am also so blessed for all the amazing Americans whom I shared this experience with and a bunch of them came up to Dakar, the capital city, to say goodbye to me before I left. So thankful that Paula, Jackie, Nick and Jenna all hung out with me to say their goodbyes before I flew out!!...